

Our trip this year was unexpected but nonetheless we have wanderlust again SO we will be getting to know our new to us 2017 Oliver Legacy Elite 2 a true 4 season trailer so they say we shall see. First we will head south to Georgia for Ezra's graduation from Infantry School at Fort Benning GA, we are so proud of him for taking charge of his life making his own choices. Then its due west to eventually meet up with friends at Big Bend National Park. We will make our way to Arizona to McDowell County Park a Maricopa Cty Park for the holidays where we will meet our newest great grandson William, and spend time with our first great grandson Jack and their Moms and Dads of course then on to California to Joshua Tree National Park hopefully not sick this many times in life we are reminded of our mortality-LIFE IS SHORT so to honor my son David we will "Sing a song, read a book, catch a fish and spend time with the people you love" a direct quote from one of David's journals 💙