
Showing posts from December, 2022

Dec 18-Dec 30 Scottsdale Arizona McDowell Mountain Regional Park(Maricopa Cty Park)

 We arrived here on Dec 18, it’s nice to stay in one place for 12 nights although we have to travel an hour each way to Megan’s or Danielles. We have been to Megan’s a few times this week helping with Jack who is 19 months and adorable as can be but he is a handful, we come home tired most nights but we don’t mind it’s the only time we get to see him and his Mom. We have not seen Danielle yet, she and Joe have been very busy. Yesterday was Christmas and little William has been sick with a fever so they all stayed home. We had a small group consisting of us, Megan and Nick  and Jack and Liz and Nick’s Dad, Ken. There was a ton of food and gifts and it was in the 70s! It didn’t feel like Christmas at all without the snow and cold but the sun sure is pleasing and we are enjoying every minute of that! I am not posting pictures of the little ones on social media but Great Grandpa would be happy to email pics.  This park consists of 21000+ acres and is located next to Tonto National Forrest,

Dec 12,13,14&15 Big Bend National Park

 Day 1 we met the camp host who proceeded to tell us the park rules and then cautioned us that someone in another site had a 5’ rattle snake in her site after dark and another guest has a coyote sitting outside her door at night but that coyotes are mostly out during the daytime, hmm well ok We think the snake’s length was a bit exaggerated and we heard coyotes one night they sounded like little puppies, we never did see a snake luckily. Temps were 87 daytime and 40s at night. We did get to see a coyote one day they are pretty small and don’t seem too bothered by humans. Day 2 we went exploring and found more “ trinkets” to buy on the side of a path in the Park that are made by  by the locals in Baquillas Del Carmen Mexico across the Rio Grande river where will visit tomorrow. The only source of income for the people in this village is from the tourists at Big Bend and they tell you that buying them in the park is a Nono but hey that makes it all the more fun. Here are some of our find

Dec 6-11, 2022 Lockhart,Garner and Davis Mountain State Parks Texas

 Greetings! 😀 So it’s been a few days we have been to 3 more state parks and each had very little if any cell service. We will start with Lockhart State Park Lockhart Tx this campground was small round and very near a golf course for a change of pace and no we don’t golf and never will I am guessing. The site itself was plenty big enough and on a corner with nobody next to or across from us. We were under a live oak tree so named as they keep their leaves year round. They also have ball moss that attaches itself to the trees. Here is a caterpillar that we found under the tree otherwise we didn’t take site pictures. Garner State Park Texas  We spent 2 nights here, it’s very secluded and a huge park we stayed here last year as well. The sites are very large and there are quite a few animals here although we did not see or hear any coyotes, we did have a couple of long eared bunnies, a hawk and a feral cat come to visit, we thought someone must have lost their cat but the camp host said